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Luckee Movie Review: The Misadventures of an Unlucky Horny Teenager

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Review: Luckee
Cast: Abhay Mahajan, Deepti Sati, Mayur More, Shubhangi Tambale, Shashank Shende & others.
Director: Sanjay Jadhav
Writer: Arvind Jagtap
Viewpoint: Sanjay Jadhav again reinvented himself w hiith ‘Ye Re Ye Re Paisa’ around one year ago, & he is absolutely exploiting the craft of cinema in every way! He carry forwards the same style here in ‘Luckee’. I mean again the cinematographer is over doing his cinematography, the background composer is overdoing the background score, the editor is completely going nuts with the pace of the film, the writer is overwriting, & the actors too are over acting! Everyone is doing their work with steroid injected over excitement, except the audiences! Who are bored & clueless.
What Works? 
  • Probably the songs, but then one doesn’t need to visit the theatre for it! A Wifi connection or a data pack will do.
What Fails? 
  • The plot of the film is mindlessly silly, though it still could have worked with a better screenplay as it had today’s sensibilities. The trailer of the film might suggest us it’s an adult comedy. But not really! It is more of an underdog story where the film tries to captivate on the drawbacks of it’s protagonist. But the film fails to create any connect between the audience & the protagonist (even after the in your face first person narration).
  • One of film’s biggest failure is that it has the most uninteresting supporting characters who are given tremendous importance in the story as they drive our protagonist to do things. None of them make any connect again. Plus they all are cardboard cut out stereotypes.
  • The film is basically about the moral conflict between love & lust. Which is really a good topic to base a film on, but in the attempt of making every thing entertaining it takes it’s hero on a foolishly exaggerated journey making him appear like a horny teenager who can do anything to get laid! The journey turns into a misadventure for him for outlandishly foolish reasons. The majority of the film is all about this misadventure making us wonder will the film ever get over it & start with the actual film!
  • The editing of the film especially before the misadventures begin is frustratingly fast paced. The amount of information that is compressed into the film shot by shot never really gets the chance to be presented in a sober (non-steroid injected) way that can create some kind of communication from the film towards the audiences. This is another reason why the audiences are disconnected with the film from the very beginning.
  • Over ambitiously the film keeps an open ending where nothing really resolves, (even if the conflict was resolved it wouldn’t have saved the film) & that would make some audiences feel cheated. One could also say that it has multiple endings. Though none of the endings have the impact to undo the mess the film has already been throughout the run time.
Final Verdict: When simply looked as a story, Lucky truly had the potential to be a terrific entertainer with lots of social commentary, but overall the film is a chaotic mess because of it’s stylistic choices. Sanjay Jadhav again proves that he has potential but again he throws everything away with his obsession to overdo everything.
Rating: 2/5
The post Luckee Movie Review:

 The Misadventures of an Unlucky Horny Teenager

from MarathiStars

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